I am a photographer based in Luxembourg. I can also be found regularly in Berlin and around Europe. My latest project, which is unpublished yet, deals with my life circumstances and the resulting feelings. I strongly believe that these circumstances have a major impact on my character. I want to find out if my pictures are true to these circumstances. With the intuitive way I’m photographing, I’m being as honest and authentic as I can.
Other things that interest me are: finding ways around the western capitalist social system, and thus making the world a little bit better, focussing on the positive things, nature and gardening.
If you want to use a picture, get photographed, order a print, get your negatives scanned, or work together in one way or another, feel free to contact me.
Tel. +352 621 404873
Group Exhibitions
Les Boutographies, Rencontres Photographiques de Montpellier, FR
Light Leaks Festival, Luxembourg, LU
Photography prize in Clervaux, LU​​
Final exhibition Ostkreuz school, Berlin, DE (www.jahrgangsiebzehn.de)
Light Leaks Festival, Luxembourg, LU
'In Waves #womenincovid', Bremerhaven, DE
'In Waves #womenincovid', Campus Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, DE
'In Waves #womenincovid', Telliskivi Creative City, Goethe Institut, Tallinn, EE
'In Waves #womenincovid', Innenstadt Bremen, DE
Luxembourg Street Photography Festival, Rotondes, LU
'In Waves #womenincovid', exhibition wall Köpenicker Str. 70, Berlin, DE (www.inwaves.berlin)
'THF', Portrait masterclass Sibylle Fendt, f3 Freiraum für Fotografie, Berlin, DE
'Underground Berlin', German Street Photography Festival, Hamburg, DE
Women in Street Diptych Challenge, The Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, US
'Underground Berlin', Slide show, Street Photography Festival, LU
'Sync, Psych, Self (SIC): The self portrait exhibition', FK Kollektiv, Berlin, DE
Miami Street Photography Festival, HistoryMiami Museum, US
2017 – 2019
'People in the city, 1950-2017', Luxembourg City museum, LU
'Barriol', workshop short documentary, Rencontres d’Arles, FR
Slide show street photography, Rotondes, LU
Blank wall gallery, Athens, GR
Architectural photography contest, 3rd prize, Fonds Belval, LU
Slide show street photography, Rotondes, LU
Your city, your story, Luxembourg, Robin du Lac concept store, LU
2024 Photography prize in Clervaux, shortlisted
2024 Les Boutographies, Rencontres Photographiques de Montpellier, awarded
special mention from the jury & the young public coup de coeur prize
2024 The Gomma Grant, shortlisted
2023 CNA Luxembourg book publishing grant
2023 PhMuseum Women Photographers Grant, portfolio review recipient
2023 graduation from Ostkreuz school under Ina Schoenenburg
2022 moved to Luxembourg
2021 portrait masterclass under Sibylle Fendt
2020 workshop with Vanessa Winship and George Georgiou
2019 started studies at Ostkreuz school, documentary photography school
2019 juror at the German street photography festival
2018 workshop with Todd Hido
2017 moved to Berlin
2017 workshop with Anders Petersen
2017 workshop with Jean-Christophe Béchet
2016 member of the Luxembourg Street Photo Collective
2014 voluntary drop-out of professional world, had sex reassignment surgeries
2005-2014 different jobs in engineering and energy consultancy
2004 master in mechanical engineering
1976 born in Luxembourg